Posted by Upstate Dermatology on Apr.23.15 in Skin Care
Acne occurs when our pores clog (commonly called blackheads and whiteheads), red inflamed pimples arise, and deeper lumps known as “nodules” occur on the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders and upper arms. Although acne is most commonly experienced during our teenage years, adults may experience acne during their 20′s, 30′s, 40′s or even older.
Cleaning your face regularly, eating a healthy diet and wearing as little cosmetics as possible are only a few of the steps you can perform to help control the development of acne. While some acne can clear up on its own without treatment over the course of several years, others will continue to suffer from this skin condition throughout their entire life.
Our treatments include chemical peels, extractions, laser therapies, light therapy, microdermabrasion, photo dynamic therapy and skin care products.
Treatment options and recommendations by our medical staff vary by the severity of your acne, needs and budget. Schedule an appointment today with one of our medical providers to find the best acne treatment for you.